Sunday, March 8, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Hahaha... I love using really classic "Texan" phrases on tour - and since I don't have the classic southern accent, it makes it just that much more fun.  Especially with people from other countries who have only heard of Texas through John Wayne films.  Its great.

Sorry... random tangent.

That being said, I'm officially back to giving tours.  Yes, I almost got lost in the Cemetery of Montmartre.  And yes, I have already almost fallen hiking up the hill.  But all in all things are going well.  My only rant is about the Da Vinci Code tour.
So... there are a LOT of people who have read the Da Vinci Code or seen the movie.  And even though I thought Angels and Demons was MUCH better, I would still say that the Da Vinci Code was very good if not excellent FICTION.  Because that's exactly what it is... FICTION.  On the tour, we basically go around to all the places in Paris that are mentioned in the book.  Its a different way to see the city, especially if you really enjoyed the book.  I would honestly say that if they had an Angels and Demons tour in Rome, I probably would have taken it.  Its fun to be able to visualize the places that you read about.  Now... on the down side, there are 2 different types of people who take this tour... the first is like me... just interested in the places I've read about.  The second (and my personal favorite) thinks that the Da Vinci Code  (and Dan Brown for that matter) is gospel.  Now, this is a HUGE fallacy.  Because on this tour, yes, I show people around the sites... but I also point out all the mistakes Dan Brown makes, and all the things that are absolutely false in his book.  So if he gets the little things wrong, how could you possibly take his word on the big things?!  Silly.

Other than that... things in Paris are wonderful.  Its raining today (ugh), but a lot more of the tour guides and office staff are getting into town.  Its great to have them back, and there are a lot of girls this year (or at least it feels like it) - so its nice to be able to represent in the boys club that is Fat Tire.  
And since I'm getting off work around 5 every day (as opposed to 1am), I get to go eat and play all I want :-D.  I have to enjoy the good Parisian food while I can.  

Anyway, I love and miss all of you!  


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