Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rue Blondel Repas

This is the view from the Rue Blondel.
Excellent right?!
This is the OTHER view from the Rue Blondel.  
Count the hookers.
Look at the hooker working.  She didn't come back for a while after this.  Unfortunately, you can't tell her age... but its about 60. 
I love the cultural experiences I have in Paris...  this is Adam and Andrew's apartment.  Affectionately referred to as "Prostitute Alley."  
We had one of the most excellent dinner parties known to man.  Andrew is a fantastic cook... plus he knows the way to my heart... through lots and lots of... food.

 Julie was so excited to be there!
Scott and Seth's brother.  I mean... I could not ask for more excellent company.  Not to mention there was a "no Fat Tire t-shirt" rule... and actually, the FTBT people were incredibly outnumbered by... regular people.  It was fantastic.
Ned is teaching me everything he knows about photography.
All in all, I would have to say that this was a great night.  Great food.  Great company.  


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