Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FriendSHIP Goes Travelling

Dear VC,

The friendSHIP has come to Europe - but I have been terrible about taking it to visit Paris, until some of our fellow comrades came to visit.  Justin and I took the friendSHIP to the Versailles market.

It sailed through a sea of humus, chevre, baguettes (we had 5), strawberries, chorizo, and jambon.  Trop bien.
It also developed a healthy relationSHIP with Nutella (and wine, and Les Invalides).
Then Alex came... she took the ship with her to... wherever else she went.  Then we did manage to get the ship to Prague... but no pictures were taken... so you'll just have to take my word for it.  
Alex then took the ship home... I've had it long enough.  It needs new adventures in the states.  Ally - take it to see DC.  Aubrey - take it to Qatar.  


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