Photos of Horror
Why is it that every passport photo I take is succeedingly more horrific than the last?
Normal photo of moi. Well... semi normal.
So why do I look like a cross between a troll and the ghost of Christmas future whenever I get in front of that blank white screen? It doesn't even look like my face anymore. The eyes are too squinty. The mouth is a thin grimace. And the hair... oh god, the hair. Imagine that doll that you had growing up that you just loved - you played with her every day until she was mostly bald with only a few scraggly hairs hanging off back of her head... ya, nice image.
Scary ghost-pale photo of me.
And apparently this is supposed to reassure customs officials that I am not a serial killer. Or the Bride of Chucky.

Please tell me this doesn't really look like me. Please tell me this picture explains why security officials always stare an extra long time at my passport. Please tell me this is a figment of my imagination. And if its not...
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