Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things I Like

So... I decided that I live in a beautiful, photographic city.  I need a camera to go along with it.  So I splurged and bought myself a really nice camera.  It is incredible.

I feel like the pictures speak for themselves - although uploading them onto this site lowers the image quality, so you may just have to take my word on it.  Leah has allowed herself to be my model for the last few weeks... she's taken to calling me the paparazzi.  Faycal has also been subjugated to my random picture taking as well.

But seriously...  here are some of my faves - a lot are from the top of the Tour Montparnasse.

But I feel like you know its a good camera when it even makes McDonald's look good.
These are the before and after pictures of our "feast."  (Disclaimer: This was the first time I've had McDonald's in about a year... but when in Rome... I mean, France... I mean... somebody give me an excuse for eating McDonald's...)
My other toy is much less expensive, but I would say brings just as much joy to my heart.  I decided a few weeks ago to become a snob.  A coffee snob.  With as much coffee as I drink, I should know more about it, and, more importantly, make coffee in the way that all true coffee snobs know to be the very best - by using a French press.  
And where better place to buy a French press than in France.  My days of drip coffee are over.  Not only do you get all the flavor out of the beans, BUT you get 98% of the caffeine out too (and lets face it, that's what I'm really going for) instead of the normal 65%.  This is the way to go.  Plus its the "green" way of making coffee.  Mom & Gran... don't knock it till you've tried it. :-D


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