Things I Like
So... I decided that I live in a beautiful, photographic city. I need a camera to go along with it. So I splurged and bought myself a really nice camera. It is incredible.
But seriously... here are some of my faves - a lot are from the top of the Tour Montparnasse.
But I feel like you know its a good camera when it even makes McDonald's look good.
These are the before and after pictures of our "feast." (Disclaimer: This was the first time I've had McDonald's in about a year... but when in Rome... I mean, France... I mean... somebody give me an excuse for eating McDonald's...)
My other toy is much less expensive, but I would say brings just as much joy to my heart. I decided a few weeks ago to become a snob. A coffee snob. With as much coffee as I drink, I should know more about it, and, more importantly, make coffee in the way that all true coffee snobs know to be the very best - by using a French press.

And where better place to buy a French press than in France. My days of drip coffee are over. Not only do you get all the flavor out of the beans, BUT you get 98% of the caffeine out too (and lets face it, that's what I'm really going for) instead of the normal 65%. This is the way to go. Plus its the "green" way of making coffee. Mom & Gran... don't knock it till you've tried it. :-D
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