Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Des Grèves

Vive la Révolution!

Needless to say, strikes, protests, riots and revolutions are a part of the culture.  It worked once in 1789, again in 1830, and again in 1848 - and after 3 times, that makes it a habit.  Although a very bad one in the opinion of this American.
On any given day, I see someone protesting something - war, nuclear weapons, the economic crisis, animal cruelty, Iran, Tibet, Fibromialgia (this one I'm still confused about).  It gets a little old.
My roommate had a friend over a few weeks ago - he's going to school in Lyon and the professors have been striking for almost 6 weeks now.  He can't go to class, or even graduate, if this continues.  Because of one group of unsatisfied people, many other groups end up suffering.  He is having to put his life on hold for them.
Change is difficult in France.  They protested the Eiffel Tower when it went up.  When they decided to make the tower sparkle for a the year 2000, they were excited.  But when it stopped sparkling in 2001, they protested as well.  In this very socialist society, there is always more that the government can do for you.  Yet at the same time, the fact that many industries are very closely controlled by the government has kept their economy from suffering in the same way that America and ESPECIALLY Britain is suffering now.  (Sarko likes to point this out.)
I (personally) am less interested in the politics of it all, and more interested in the fact that French policemen are scary.  I saw a woman the other day asking directions from a policeman in a SERIOUS bulletproof vest and full body armor.  I can barely look them in the eye (and they hang out by my house all the time... this is what I get for living right next to the National Assembly - aka French House of Representatives).
So... all the pictures above were taken today walking back to my house from the shop.  Don't worry Mom, I'm ok.  I can hear The Marsailles playing in the background as I write this.  How patriotic.  I guess every nation has their traditions.  Right?


Pipperdoodlebug March 26, 2009 at 12:38 AM  

I miss you!! Hope you're having fun!

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