Deep Thoughts
So... as I'm sitting here contemplating my time here in Paris, I've come up with a few jewels of wisdom that I'd like to pass on to posterity:
1) Water-resistant is not the same as waterproof.
- Date learned: the day after I got to Paris and realized that although my jacket kept me from getting wet IMMEDIATELY... it did not stop me from getting wet EVENTUALLY.
2) When in doubt, say it with confidence.
- The tour guide's motto... and no one ever doubts a tour guide :-P
3) Skip the line, take the stairs.
- Date learned: The day I picked the shortest line to get up the Eiffel Tower and realized that it was the stairs. Ouch.
- Also courtesy of: Mike Franz
4) There's no such thing as too much ice cream (bread, gelato, cheese.)
- This can also be translated to: I count the day wasted if I have not had gelato.
5) PB&J and a bottle of water do not a picnic make
- Date learned: The day Liz and I went to Versailles and bought enough food for a small army.
6) Look good. Don't die.
- Courtesy of: A really cool high school boy from one of my Segway tours. He ended this phrase with, "And if you have to die, look good doing it." Very apropos for the ridiculousness that happens on the streets of Paris.
7) Here's to the brie. It's better than cheddar.
- Substitute "cheddar" with Borsin, Roquefort, Camembert, Gouda au Cumin, Comte du Fruit, Chevre... aka... I've become a cheese snob.
8) Motto on fixing bikes: Sometimes it works - sometimes you break it more and end up running
- If you were to ask Devin, his motto would be, "Kassie, stay away!"
9) Take time for yourself.
- I think this is going to be an important lesson for me in the coming year. I have a tendency to be a workaholic - but I need to take some downtime. Maybe even a few vacations... what a novel idea?!
Anyway... so that's what I have taken away from this summer. I'd love to hear anyone else's personal words of wisdom too. And I also just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me through this entire summer - I can't tell you how much your words of encouragement have helped me. I love you all.
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