Voice, Bruises, Bagettes
Some random topics for the day:
1. I'm losing my voice... between the road dust, lack of humidty (its sad that I'm actually missing it), and talking about 10 hours a day, its going fast. I feel like its the 2nd day of Fish Camp, and its only a matter of time before it totally goes. 15 tours in 9 days will do that to you.
2. Bruises. I have more random bruises that I have ever had in my entire life (and I'm a really kluzy person who is always bruised in weird places). I'm starting to think that maybe I should start a bruise diary because there are some really big purple ones all over my legs from running into bikes and poles and sometimes just falling off. (Long story involving holding stuff in my right hand and pressing my front brakes with my left which ended in me flying off the front of my bike.) The bruise from Murray and the scavenger hunt is still kinda there, and I think I get a new one everyday. Plus... I cut myself shaving (after 10 years of shaving you'd think I'd be able to do it right).... sad stories.
3. Megan and I have decided that a single bagette can be made into a 3 course meal. You eat 1/3 while you're walking back from the boulangerie as an appetizer. You use the next 1/3 as a massive sandwhich with (my personal favorite) gouda cheese and turkey meat. And then you use the last 1/3 to spread nutella all over.... a meal fit for a king.
So... that's my life right now. Sometimes I have great tours, sometimes they're not so great... but I've met a lot of really awesome people - some new friends from Canada and Australia... the Kiwis on my tour last week gave me some tips on my Europe Cup bracket. I'm stoked. Oh... and I'm loving all the emails from everyone!!!! Thank ya'll!!!
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