Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Have Passport... Must Travel

So its almost humorous how little I know about where I am right now. I decided to go to Interlaken so fast that I really didn't think about it at all. My thought process went something like: Must travel. Cool place. GO!

So now I'm here in Switzerland realizing that I'm not really sure where that is. When I arrived in Bern, I suddenly had all these realizations like... they don't take the Euro here! They don't speak French! (So what kind of money do they use? What language do they speak?) For some reason, I had in my mind that Switzerland was a magical fairy land of banks, chocolate, knives, and swatches that was near France and very much like it in every respect except name.


So now I'm in Switzerland and laughing at my own stupidity and lack of preparation. I know 0 German? Dutch? Switzish? And I feel like this is the craziest thing I've ever done.


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