Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Room

First of all, let me tell you about my first night. So, I get home from champing it up, I pass out till like 2am. Then I woke up and tried to check what time it was – well, instead of finding out what time it was, I accidentally turned on the sound machine on my alarm clock which just ended up waking Megan up. So after that, my body decided that it was 5pm like it is supposed to be in Houston – that coupled with the fact that there was a party going on in the street below up (I wasn’t invited... rude.), and we didn’t have pillows...

Tanget: Pillows are a very underrated part of a bed. I don’t think you really appreciate pillows until you don’t have one. A rolled up t-shirt does not work... neither does a rolled up towel or my arm or anything else for that matter... it must be either a real life pillow, or a stuffed animal.

So needless to say, it took me a while to go back to sleep. But now, I am loving my room. Its in the 16th arrondissement – about 30 minutes from the shop by metro but supposedly its shorter by bike (I think I’m going to buy a bike tomorrow if I can). Its close to the Bois de Boulogne. Here are some pics for your enjoyment:

Now time for Q&A:

1. Is there only one bed?
- yes. Megan and I share a bed. (Stop smirking.)
2. Who is that strange girl?
- Megan. duh.
3. Ya'll are really messy. Is that normal?
- This was several days ago before either of us had had anytime to do anything. So now, Megan's side is slightly cleaner - and mine looks worse than ever.
4. Your kitchen doesn't look so small.
- Lies. If I weighed 10 lbs more, I wouldn't be able to fit my entire body inside of it.
5. Other than the smallness, it looks pretty nice!
- True. Its very nice. Except for the fact that the electricity keeps going out and we've blown like 4 lightbulbs but can't figure out how to change them. Oh well.

So that is my apartment in which I am scamming the internet off my neighbors at this very moment. Life is good.


Unknown June 3, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

haha your mom told me the little box beside the toilet is the washing machine...multi-tasking!!

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