Saturday, May 24, 2008

Champ it Up!

Champ – pronounced “shahmp”; verb; to hang out on the Champs de Mars while drinking wine and eating baguettes and cheese. Now you may ask, where is the Champs de Mars? Well, I’ll show you...

Yup... its the field in front of the Eiffel Tower (this is me and Murray). (Scamardo, I hope you like the t-shirt... represent.) Now here was the feast for the 15 or so people who were there (more baguettes arrived later)...

I have never been so tired, but this was seriously the coolest thing ever. I don’t think any amount of frustration and layovers and jet lag can make a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower un-cool. In short... if this was any indication of the level of awesomeness of this summer – its going to be a great one.


Murr June 5, 2008 at 1:15 AM  

SCAMARDONUTS!!! i smiled so big when i saw that shirt :)

<3 maria

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