Thursday, April 24, 2008

The End Is Near

I have 1 more class left.

So after I got home from work and class today, I started packing up my room a little bit. Its kinda beginning to look empty, and I'm really scared to take everything down off the walls because I think that might just incite my panic fill thoughts of "this really is the end." I've been able to put off these thoughts of "what next" because I keep telling myself - I have something to do till September. But, that only lasts so long.

But before I start obsessing about the future, I guess its about that time to start reminiscing about the past. I've had an amazing run at Texas A&M. From FLiP and COSGA, to the Visitor Center and more Fish Camp - I have done everything that I set out to do, and I have met the most incredible people along the way. I can't imagine having done anything differently. My only wish is that Papa could have been here to see me graduate in a few weeks. Sitting in Reed Arena for Muster on Monday, I couldn't help but thinking about him and his life, and how of everyone I've ever known, he is probably the person that has most influenced my life. I still miss him terribly, but I know that he will always be "here."

But although I am scared, and excited, and nervous, and slightly panicked about the future, it has been an amazing 4 years. I truly could not ask for anything more. On Monday, Leah and I are going to go on our own little Elephant Walk around campus - I think that will be a truly fitting end.


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