Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Last Corps Trip

Today was an incredible day in Aggieland. First, Mom and Gran came up to take one of my tours. And after two years of doing this, I would have to say that that was one of the best tours I've given in a long time. Maybe it helped that they think I'm funny and laughed at all my cheesy tour guide jokes, but oh well. I appreciated it. :-D Then we went over to the George Bush Library. I forget how beautiful that area of campus is. Not only that, but the museum is amazing - George Bush Sr. has led an amazing life. I would have to say that my favorite part of the whole museum though, were the gifts of state that he received from foreign dignitaries. The opulence and grandeur were unbelievable - from solid gold swords and mini-castles, to pearl figurines... everything was so beautiful and so accurately reflected the countries and cultures that they came from.

So after that, I went home, continued packing my room (I'm almost done!!! Thank goodness.) And then left to meet Leah for our own private Elephant Walk. We started off at our old freshmen dorms (Rudder and Kreuger... good ol' Southside), and then just walked around campus from there. It was so great to reminisce about our old dorm days, the hoppin' SCC nightlife, Sociology and Geology classes together (when I went), and finally the fact that we've been friends for almost four years.

Leah and I have gotten each other through a lot of struggles throughout college - but we have had so much fun doing it... all nighters, laughing through classes, foreign movies, the semester we decided we would only speak French to each other, the time I tried to teach her how to crochet, boys... boys... more boys, bad roommates, no car, too busy, rocks and flowers, and finally American Idol night... I'm so glad that she will always be there with me - no matter what. And we finally sealed this fact with a sacred Aggie tradition... walking under the century tree together... friends for life :-D


Thursday, April 24, 2008

The End Is Near

I have 1 more class left.

So after I got home from work and class today, I started packing up my room a little bit. Its kinda beginning to look empty, and I'm really scared to take everything down off the walls because I think that might just incite my panic fill thoughts of "this really is the end." I've been able to put off these thoughts of "what next" because I keep telling myself - I have something to do till September. But, that only lasts so long.

But before I start obsessing about the future, I guess its about that time to start reminiscing about the past. I've had an amazing run at Texas A&M. From FLiP and COSGA, to the Visitor Center and more Fish Camp - I have done everything that I set out to do, and I have met the most incredible people along the way. I can't imagine having done anything differently. My only wish is that Papa could have been here to see me graduate in a few weeks. Sitting in Reed Arena for Muster on Monday, I couldn't help but thinking about him and his life, and how of everyone I've ever known, he is probably the person that has most influenced my life. I still miss him terribly, but I know that he will always be "here."

But although I am scared, and excited, and nervous, and slightly panicked about the future, it has been an amazing 4 years. I truly could not ask for anything more. On Monday, Leah and I are going to go on our own little Elephant Walk around campus - I think that will be a truly fitting end.


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