So every 4 years, Europe has its own equivalent to the World Cup soccer tournament called the Euro Cup. Its supposedly a pretty big deal. Well, right when it started, Mike announced that we were going to have a little Fat Tire pool - kinda like March Madness where you pick your brackets etc. 10 euros to enter. The winner takes all.
Now, most of you... no wait... ALL of you know that I don't care about sports. Sitting through a sporting event (in my mind) is equivalent to some kind of torture. If I go at all, its for the atmosphere and the fact that I get to talk to people - which usually makes at least half of the guys mad because I'm distracting them from watching the game. But whatever.
So I decide to enter the pool, just because I don't want to be that one person who's not in it. Of course I have no idea what I'm doing, so right before our first picks are due I had given a tour to some Kiwis, so I asked them for advice. They said that Spain and Portugal were pretty good this year. Ok - that's more than I know, so I picked Spain and Portugal. The rest of my picks were pretty random - Switzerland (because I want to go there), Russia (because they seem kinda mean), Germany (no idea), Croatia (because I want to go sailing there). The weird thing was - I picked almost all the same ones that everyone else did! (How that happened, I'll never know.)
Then the trash talking starts, Franz semi-mocks me (naturally), and John Phillips MERCILESSLY mocks Eliza (another guide) for her picks... she did things like "Swiss and Turkey" because it makes a good sandwich.
Somehow I make it through the first round... and guess what... I'm beating Franz! I wasn't perfect, but because I knew nothing, I picked teams that no one thought would win and they did! YEAH!
Now we had to pick our final bracket. Again, I just keep thinking, "Spain and Portugal. Spain and Portugal." I want to say that Portugal had already lost so it was just, "Spain." (Honestly - I didn't watch one game... and I couldn't tell you who I picked for the most part.)
A few games into it, John Phillips is losing with Eliza (trash talking always comes back and bites you), and its down to Murray, Franz, David Phillips, and.... ME!!!! Murray loses in the semis, and its down to me, Franz, and David. If Germany wins, Franz and David tie... if Spain wins, I WIN!!
Poor Franz had lost to a six year old in the March Madness pool this year - the little boy who lives upstairs from us named Calvin won 80 euros and spent it all on Pokemon cards. So I feel like Franz really had to make up for this humiliating loss. But his new battle cry was, 2nd is only 2nd... unless its to Kassie.
Now... if you follow the Euro Cup, you know how this story ends....
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... the girl who knows nothing beat all the boys!!! I didn't even get to watch the game, I was on tour - but I had my tour chanting, GO SPAIN!" in front of Franz before we left, and people texted me the score throughout the game... now I know why sports are so much fun!!! :-P
So now I'm 100 euros richer - but for me, its not about the money, its about the HUGE BRAGGING RIGHTS!!! YEEEAAAAHHH!!!